
Long ago, there was a folkloric belief that blackberries should not be picked (or eaten) after October 11. After this day, it was said, the Devil happened to fall into a thicket of blackberries and then cursed the thorns by spitting on the fruit -- turning it black. Ironically, blackberries are one of the fruits most associated with this seasonally transitional month. 

The entire blackberry bush has a high content of tannin, and both the bark of the root and the leaves are believed to be powerful astringents and medicinal tonics. The fruit itself is sometimes used as a natural remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, upset stomach and is also used to treat sore throats. From the holistic perspective, blackberries are believed to alleviate whooping cough, boils and rheumatism.

 Not to mention the sweet rewards of eating the berries! It is said that eating blackberry pie or jam, or simply eating some fresh berries will attract money. A big bowl of oatmeal topped with fresh berries is the ultimate breakfast of champions, as this meal will bring you both recognition and wealth. The next time you want to shine a spotlight on the fruits of your labors, eat this fruit. 
Just be sure to do it before tomorrow!